Please note, all services are charged in line with the NDIS Price Arrangements and Price Limits (PAPL) and are subject to change with future NDIS PAPL changes. The current hourly rates are:

  • Occupational Therapy – $193.99
  • Speech Pathology – $193.99
  • Allied Health Assistant – $86.79

Standard Appointment – 1.0 hours

45-minute consultation and 15 minutes of practitioner administration time*.

*Administration Time

Practitioner administration time includes:

  • Documenting all details from the session and progress made toward goals.
  • Planning ahead for the next appointment.

Our Allied Health practitioners are required to keep accurate records of appointments, including therapy approaches or interventions utilised, what the outcome of therapy was and what was discussed during the appointment. Our practitioners also makes notes of the NDIS goals that were worked on during the session and any progress made towards achieving them.

Travel Time

Travel time is charged at the relevant hourly rate and in line with the NDIS Price Arrangements and Pricing Limits and the Modified Monash Model. Travel is charged and determined by the time traveling to a participant and from a participant to the office (where applicable). Where traveling to multiple participants, practitioners will aim to visit the same area and split travel evenly between all participants

NDIS Progress/Outcome Report – 2.0 hours

Up to 100 days prior to the participants NDIS plan end date, all practitioners are required to write a progress report, for the participant to take to their plan review, with their NDIA planner and Local Area Coordinator.

Short Notice Cancellations

Where there is a ‘Short Notice Cancellation’ (or no show), DLS Allied Health will charge 100% of the agreed fee associated with the Service (including travel time) from the Participant’s NDIS plan, subject to the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits and the terms of the service agreement with the participant.

A cancellation is a ‘Short Notice Cancellation’ if the participant:

  • Does not show up for a scheduled support within a reasonable time, or is not present at the agreed place and within a reasonable time when the practitioner is travelling to deliver the support; or
  • Has given less than two (2) clear business days’ notice for a service.

Non-Face-to-Face Support Provisions (NF2F)

Where required, a practitioner may need to;

  • Attend care team meetings.
  • Attend case conferences.
  • Attend school/teacher meetings.
  • Undertake targeted research to help build your capacity.
  • Planning for therapy sessions.
  • Create resources to enable further capacity building.

Our Allied Health Practitioners will always ensure you are aware of NF2F activities before they occur, why they represent value for money, and why they are reasonable and necessary. Non-Face-to-Face Support Provisions are charged hourly, based on the practitioners normal hourly rate.

Assessments and Reports

Below are some examples of assessments/reports. Please contact our admin team or your practitioner if you would like a personalised estimate on hours required for an assessment or report.

Occupational Therapy

Functional Capacity Assessment and Report – 10.0 hours.
Support Independent Living Assessment and Report – 15.0 hours.
Specialist Disability Accommodation Assessment and Report – 25.0 hours.

For assistive technology, minor home modifications and complex home modifications or other assessment/reports, please discuss with our administration team or your Occupational Therapist.

Speech Pathology

Speech and Language Report (short or comprehensive) – 4.0 to 6.0 hours.
School Summary Report – 4.0 hours.
Autism (ASD) Report – 4.0 hours.
Swallowing Assessment and Food/Fluid Modification Report – 4.0 to 5.0 hours (based on complexity and the need for follow up).
Voice Report – 2.0 hours.

CELF-Pre, CELF-5, Aphasia, SPAT-R, ToPALL, YARC and more assessments available. Please discuss with our administration team or your Speech Pathologist.